Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Crann Tara Miniatures: More Graven Image Miniatures Released!

Just received this splendid news from Crann Tara Miniatures: We have reached agreement with Steve of Monolith Designs to start releasing the 40mm range of figures he formerly sold under the Graven Images label. The first two ranges to be released are 'Cliffhanger' (TV and Movie Sci Fi) and Gotterdamerung ( World War 2 occult). 

All the figures in the ranges were sculpted by the late Jim Bowen and depending on sales Steve still has a large number of 'greens' for the above ranges we would like to see put into production. The figures are all 1/48th scale (36-40mm). The figures will be listed on the Crann Tara web shop over the festive period and will be available for purchase from the 6th January 2014. Initially figures will be cast to order so please allow up to 21 days for delivery.

We have also acquired a limited stock of figures from the Disturbia range, so if you ilk is for Ju-Ju men, Sandmen or wierd scarecrows these figures will also be listed and will be sold at their 2007 prices! If things go well the aim is to continue to release the other ranges and add the new figures as we go.

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