Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Dark Age Games: New Two Player Forsaken and Dragyri Starter Box Revealed

Dark Age Games: We are very excited! Last week we were able to get our hands on two advance copies of the upcoming 2-player starter set – Path to Glory! We had them on display at the Las Vegas Open.

So there it is! We have two forces that really represent the two most popular factions (Forsaken and Dragyri) and the sci-fi setting of Dark Age. Robots with laser beams against 12′ tall aliens, it doesn’t get much more “sci-fi” than that. Our plan is to release this wonderful boxed set on March 23rd. For us this corresponds with the start of AdeptiCon, so we’ll have a lot of them available at the show. We want this to be out in as many stores as possible for release on that same date. 

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